Why Is It Important To Pick Up Dog Poo Doo?

Well, there are a number of reasons why you’d want to clean dog doodie off your lawn, not the least of which is the unpleasant surprise of accidentally stepping in a pile of it! If you’ve owned dogs for any length of time, you know exactly what I’m talking about! But besides that, here are a couple other reasons that not everyone is aware of.


Dog Poop Doesn't Decompose

Unlike cow manure, rabbit pellets, and virtually every other waste out there, dog poop just doesn’t break down well. And that’s just…creepy.😱

Dog Poop Contains Disease-Causing Bacteria and Parasites

So whether you just enjoy strolling in your lawn, you have kids that play in the yard, or you regulary have guests or even other pets in your yard, dog poop is actually a hazard to everyone’s health. Salmonella, E. Coli, and roundworms are just a few of the many nasty organisms found in dog dooky. 🤢

Dog Poop Is NOT Fertilizer

In fact, it’s so acidic it can destroy your grass. So if give a squat about your yard (pun intended), then the least you can doo is have the nasty land mines picked up! 😀